By Gene Jones, President Florida Veterans For Common Sense
Trump’s despicable behavior on January 6, 2021 to incite violence and the insurrectionists who stormed the capitol in response, validate everything FLVCS said about Trump being a threat to our democracy.
Months ago, FLVCS pointed out Trump was a would-be authoritarian who threatened our democracy. We reluctantly took that position even though we would have much rather supported the President. We’d have preferred to advance policy positions instead of fighting the president to save our democracy. Yet as patriotic veterans, we believed we had to stand firm against threats to America. So we worked hard to help defeat Trump.
Speaking Truth to Power
At the time, others criticized our position as being political and partisan. We are political and proud of it although we certainly are not partisan and did not take a partisan position. We were careful not to support Biden’s candidacy while we spoke out against Trump’s actions.
FLVCS’s position on Trump is consistent with our history. We have always been political and not partisan. FLVCS formed as a political organization to voice opposition as veterans to George W. Bush’s invasion of Iraq. We are proud that FLVCS spoke up while most veterans groups sat on their hands and allowed the fiasco to proceed apace. Likewise, we spoke out against Obama’s surge in Iraq and Afghanistan. FLVCS will continue to speak out and we will do what we can to insure that the Nation holds Trump and his enablers responsible for their assault on our democracy and the country we love.
We are not faux patriots who wave the flag and then disrespect it by engaging in violent protests and supporting unverifiable, out of touch with reality, conspiracy theories. We are diligent in adopting fact-based positions, not “untruths”. More importantly, FLVCS supports the rule of law and the U.S. Constitution. We cannot countenance Trump’s despicable behavior.
Threatening Our Democracy
The unpatriotic, seditious insurrectionists are a continuing threat to our democracy and must be quashed. Despite the fact that they carry our beautiful flag, they are not patriots, they are turncoats who don’t understand, or respect, our Constitution. They are armed and dangerous and must be stopped before they do more damage and succeed with their nefarious schemes. The danger they present mandates that they be held responsible and that appropriate action to stop them be taken now.
Ask your veteran friends to join with us.
Amen, Bro. Gene. There has never been a
less intelligent nor less balanced President than the Cadet from the New York Military Academy Donald J. Trump! He would have disgraced our country earlier had he qualified for the the real military. Unforgivable conduct and true sedition. Well written Gene; you get an A+.