Ever wonder how Ukraine ended up at war with Russia or what we should do about it? Then watch Associate Professor and author, Phil Travis, give a fascinating lecture on the origins of the war in Ukraine and what America’s role should be. Professor Travis was the featured speaker at the Florida Veterans for Common Sense …
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Craig Pittman Spoke to FLVCS
Acclaimed author, Craig Pittman, spoke to FLVCS at their April 2022 meeting. Learn about his book, Cat Tale, that tells the story of the efforts to save the elusive Florida panther.
Craig Pittman’s Bio:
Craig Pittman is a native Floridian, an author, a podcaster and an award-winning environmental reporter. Born in Pensacola, he graduated …
Craig Pittman, Florida Panther, florida veterans for common sense, flvcsStand With Ukraine
Stand With Ukraine Resolution
WHEREAS democracy is the system of governance that best serves human aspirations; and
WHEREAS we wish to stand with the democracy of Ukraine in its defense against Russian aggression; and
WHEREAS the exportation of Russian fossil fuels funds Russian war efforts in Ukraine; and
WHEREAS sanctions against the importing of Russian …
Defend Democracy, florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, fossil fuels, UkraineDefend Our Democracy
By Gene Jones, President Florida Veterans for Common Sense
As patriotic veterans, we are still on the front lines to defend our democracy.
We know that in America voters should decide the outcome of our elections; not legislatures, bureaucrats, or political parties.
In the last election, some Republican leaders lied and incited a seditious attack on
… Capitol Insurrection, Defend Our Democracy, florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, January 6, POW flag
The Conservative Dilemma
Did you miss Dr. Dale Anderson’s presentation on The Conservative Dilemma & The Threat to our Democracy at the FLVCS March 2022 monthly meeting? Watch it now.
Slides for The Conservative Dilemma & The Threat to our Democracy
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… Conservative Dilemma, Dale Anderson, florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, Threat to Our DemocracyGov. DeSantis Veto Net Metering Bill
Florida Veterans for Common Sense joins 75 other Florida organizations and businesses in urging Governor Ron Desantis to veto CS/CS/HB 741, “Net Metering” bill. CS/CS/HB 741 will decimate Florida’s nascent solar industry and hinder the expansion of rooftop solar in the Sunshine State.
Read the letter urging Governor DeSantis to veto the Net Metering
… DeSantis, florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, HB 741, Net MeteringVoting Changes Would Hurt
The Sarasota Herald Tribune originally published this OpEd by Gene Jones, President, Florida Veterans for Common Sense. It was titled, Voting changes would hurt military members, others
By Gene Jones, President, Florida Veterans for Common Sense
A new bill advancing in the Florida legislature could threaten the future of Florida elections.
H.B. 7061 would …
florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, gene jones, H.B. 7061, Voting RightsVote NO on Charter Amendment
The Sarasota News Leader Editorial link below urges Sarastoa County residents to vote NO on the Sarasota County Commision’s Charter Amendment to do away with Single Memeber Districts. County voters approved Single Member Districts in 2018. Show them you meant what you voted for the first time.
Vote ‘No’ on County Commission’s March 8 repeal
… florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, Single Member Districts, Vote No on Charter AmendmentThree-Part Climate Change Plan
Is YOUR representative in Congress a co-sponsor of H.R. 2307? An FLVCS member gives you three good reasons why they should support this three-part climate change plan.
Best solution to climate change emergency
Three-part Climate Change Plan
Three points determine a plane. Three parts can determine a plan.
The best legislative solution to our …
EICDA, Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, H.R. 2307Defend Rooftop Solar
Florida utilities are trying to kill rooftop solar
Florida Veterans for Common Sense (FLVCS) asks you to defend rooftop solar. Please contact your Florida state senator and representative to tell them to reject Senate Bill 1024/House Bill 741. SB 1024 is in the Senate Rules Committee as of February 16, 2022.
This bill would devastate …
florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, HB 741, Rooftop Solar, SB 1024