The chief prosecutor at Nuremberg, Supreme Court Justice Robert H. Jackson said: “But the ultimate step in avoiding periodic wars… is to make statesmen responsible to law.” He said that law includes those sitting in judgment of the Germans.
After the attacks of 9/11 and loss of 3000 of our people, it seemed the whole world stood with us. However, the Bush/Cheney administration soon squandered the support of world opinion and left us two unfunded wars, costing the lives of thousands of our brave soldiers and creating hundreds of thousands of physically and mentally wounded Veterans, many of whom can not get the services they need.
The Bush administration lied us into war with Iraq. There were no WMDs, Iraq was not involved with Al-Qaeda and Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11.
We killed hundreds of thousands of Iraqi men, women and children, and displaced millions more. We destroyed Iraq, while the arms dealers, oil companies and the war making industry made money. The invasion and takeover of Iraq helped fuel the bloody Shia-Sunni sectarian conflict that, at its height, was killing 3000 Iraqis a month. He began the secret wiretapping/spying on ordinary Americans without a warrant. The Bush administration authorized torture. The nightmare of Abu Ghraib was created under Bush, as well as other secret prison camps, rendition and the Guantanamo prison. Bush turned a trillion dollar surplus into a trillion dollar debt, then went back to his ranch.
We continue the lie by categorizing Bush’s visit to Sarasota as an “incredible honor”.
I agree with Thomas Young, a paralyzed and dying Iraq war Veteran, who, in his letter to Bush (and Cheney) calls on Bush to have the moral courage to stand before the American public and the world, and in particular the Iraqi people, and beg for forgiveness. He should be thankful he is not facing Justice Jackson.