Harry on Front Page!
FLVCS board member Harry Stimmel recently make front page news on the Sarasota Herald Tribune. Also quoted in the article is Kevin Connelly, also an FLVCS member! Congratulations and great article! Below is an excerpt from the article. If you would like to review the entire piece you may do so by clicking the link …
Harry Stimmel
No one questions the fact that Board Member Harry Stimmel deserves to be honored by Florida Veterans for Common Sense as the first “FLVCS Veteran of the Quarter.”
Everybody associated with FLVCS admires Harry for his exemplary military service and his tireless work to help veterans, our community, and the nation. Harry served in WWII …
FLVCS in the U.K.
FLVCS was highlighted in the Guardian across the pond in the U.K. FLVCS offers congratulations and enormous gratitude for the spotlight. Thank you Harvey! Here is a brief excerpt of Harvey’s article, find the link below to be redirected to the full article on the Guardian’s website.
In the best spirit of “mourn for the …