Once again many FLVCS volunteers helped make the Sarasota Stand Down for homeless veterans a rousing success. Since its inception, FLVCS has been a sponsor of the Sarasota Stand Down. Alice Gochberg was the FLVCS liaison with Jewish Family and Community Services (JFCS), the lead agency for this years Stand Down. Job well done Alice …
FL Women Veterans Conference a Huge Success
Three FLVCS Members who served on WVC Working Group
Nadine Noky, Jutta Tolbert, and Anne Rawley
(Photo courtesy Sarasota Herald Tribune)
FLVCS can be proud that we initiated and brought to fruition the first ever statewide Women Veterans Conference with FLVCS FUND Inc., our 501 (c) 3 affiliate as the primary sponsor.
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…Investigate the Justifications for the Iraq Invasion
Whether the intelligence used to justify the Iraq invasion was faulty or fabricated continues to be debated. Although no evidence of an active Weapons of Mass Destruction program was ever found in Iraq after the invasion; just old, rusting, unusable chemical munitions left over from the Iran-Iraq War decades earlier, some people continue to believe …
Climate Change a National Security Threat
According to Admiral Samuel Locklear, Commander of the Pacific Theater, significant upheaval caused by the warming planet “is probably the most likely thing that is going to happen . . . that will cripple the security environment…”.
The 2014 Quadrennial Defense Review speaks directly to the impact of climate change on national security:
Climate change …
Thomas Paine’s 278th Birthday (2015) Print Out Your Paypal Receipt: It Will Be Your Ticket
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Every year Florida Veterans for Common Sense celebrates our American revolutionary heritage by sponsoring the annual Thomas Paine Birthday Party. The party honors the American patriot and veteran, Thomas Paine, the author of Common Sense and the American Crisis Papers that ignited and sustained the American Revolution.
The party will take place …
Happy New Year
FLVCS expects a productive new year. For starters, we have on tap the annual Thomas Paine Birthday Party, a stand down for homeless veterans, and the first annual statewide Women Veterans Conference.
This next year, we’ll continue to educate ourselves and the public on national security issues. For starters, we’ll follow up with the action