Mel’s Archive contains his previous analyses for Florida Veterans for Common Sense and
Analyses from Mel’s Archive
- Trump’s War on Governance
- Trump Crossed Red Line
- Trump’s Attack on the Truth
- Trump’s War on Democracy
- A Pandemic of Lies
- War on Arms Control
- Trump’s War on Accountability
- Trump’s Attacks Break Precedence
- Trump’s War on Truth
- A Threat to Our Democracy
Mel’s Older Analyses on
- Trump Hates Accountability So He Fires Inspectors General
- A Fool’s Paradise: Thomas Friedman and the Middle East
- The Return of Donald Destroyer
- The NYT’s Trumpeting of Chief of Staff Susie Wiles is Absurd
- Washington Post Supports Many of Trump’s Miscreants For Key Posts
- The Dangers of Biden’s Legacy and Trump’s Inheritance
- Syria: Will the United States Try to Stop Israeli Militarism in the Middle East?
- Biden’s Moral Failure Was Israel and Not the Pardon of His Son
- NY’T’s Apologist For Israel is No Longer a “Never Trumper”
- The Winner of the US Presidential Elections? Prime Minister Netanyahu
- Trump’s House of Horrors
- Washington Post’s David Ignatius Mysteriously Sees “Significant Progress” in Stabilizing Three Dangerous Wars
- The New York Times Places Israel In A “Better Strategic Position”
- Washington Post Owner Jeff Bezos Isn’t Completely Wrong About the Media
- The Latest Absurdities From the Columnists of the New York Times
- The New York Times Finally Admits Gaza is an Outdoor Prison
- The NYT Proclaims Israel’s Military Has Reclaimed Its “Stature”
- Netanyahu’s Dangerous Militarism
- Reagan’s Lessons: In and Out of Cold War
- Biden’s Legacy: The Decline of Arms Control and Disarmament
- The Disappearance of International Law
- Israeli Treatment of Palestinians Remains Unchanged Over 75 Years
- A Looming Nuclear Catastrophe
- Harris and the Need for Diplomacy
- Biden Believes He Doesn’t Have to Talk to Putin
- Blueprints for Authoritarianism: Mein Kampf and Project 2025
- A Personal Discussion of Russian National Security
- Nato Expansion: the Road to Cold War and War Itself
- Trump’s Debate: a Victory for Pathological Liars Everywhere
- The US is Mired in a Cold War Model From the 1950s
- The Outrageous Congressional Invitation to Netanyahu
- The Attack on the USS Liberty Symbolize’s Israel’s Duplicity and Deceit
- The Washington Post’s Mouthpiece for Israel: David Ignatius
- Friedman, Biden and US Weapons Sales to Israel
- Donald Trump’s War on science and the Environment
- Washington Post’s David Ignatius Remains Clueless About the Middle East
- Nuclear Uncertainty Has Replaced Deterrence
- Washington Post’s David Ignatius Declares Victory in Ukraine…Once Again!
- America’s National Security Future is Dismal
- The Years 1968 And 2024: Will History Repeat Itself?
- Iran and U.S. Say Enough, Will Israel Go Along?
- Spies and Their Lies: The Trials and Tribulations at Guantanamo
- Meet the Newest Apologist for Israel: Rear Admiral John Kirby
- Washington Post Believes U.S. & Israel “Can Get Back on the Same Page”
- The United States and the Middle East: the Politics of Miscalculation
- The Atlantic Joins the Chorus of Fear
- Two Wars, Five Losing Nations
- CIA’s Torture and Abuse: America’s Shame!
- Netanyahu and Israel in Decline and May Take Biden With Them
- Never Forget Who Donald Trump Really Is
- Biden is Dragging the United States Deeper Into the Middle East
- Deal With Iran Politically and Diplomatically, Not Militarily
- Why Are Our Regional Experts Expecting More War in Every Corner?
- Meet the Washington Post’s Leading Apologist for Israeli Genocide
- Netanyahu and the IDF Provided All the Evidence the ICJ Needed
- The Costly Failures of Intelligence
- The Dangerous Myth of the “Indispensable Nation”
- The United States and the Middle East: Hoist On Its Own Petard
- The Commonality of Megalomania
- Unmitigated Horror: Guernica, the Warsaw Ghetto, and Now Gaza
- Janus-Faced Biden Administration Can’t Hide It’s Complicity
- Both Biden and Bibi Could be Victims of the Israeli War Against Hamas
- Kissinger: “The World’s Most Dangerous Man”
- Mainstream Media Largely Ignore Israel’s Duplicity and Deceit
- Biden and the Washington Post Combine to Argue for War
- Is There No End to the War-Mongering of the Washington Post
- The Immediate Need for Ceasefires in Ukraine and Gaza
- Sino-American Relations:Breaking the Gordian Knot
- US Advice to Israel: “Use Smaller Bombs”
- Paul Krugman Dismisses the Existence of a Military-Industrial Complex
- Biden Endorses the “Indispensable Nation”
- Washington Post’s David Ignatius and His Ignorance of the Middle East
- Israeli State Terrorism Over the Years
- The Strategic Nightmare That Follows the “Forever War”
- When Difi Took on the CIA Over Torture
- We Must Reduce the American Role in the Middle East
- More Evidence Ragarding Henry Kissinger’s Lies About Chile
- The CIA Director Should Not be Part of the Policy Process
- A Grain Airlift for Ukraine
- The Strange Rehabilitation of Elliot Abrams
- U.S. Cluster Bombs to Ukraine: An Act of Desperation