By Gene Jones, President Florida Veterans For Common Sense, 
FLVCS Speaks Out with Past & Present Leaders
President Trump’s threats to mobilize military troops to quell protests is causing a crisis of government. The protesters seeking redress of grievances as is their Constitutional Right are not engaged in insurrection. Consequently, their actions do not justify mobilizing troops. FLVCS and high ranking military officers are speaking out against mobilizing troops as an assault on U.S. citizens and their Constitutional Rights to free speech and assembly.
The protesters are not attempting to overthrew the American government. On the contrary, they are demanding that our government live up to its promise and abide by the Constitution by treating all people equal under the law regardless of race, religion, or ethnicity.
The protests are about hundreds of years of holding black people under the yoke of racism and white superiority. The latest knee on the neck was the spark to reignite the fire of equality and justice to make America better. The protesters demand that America live up to its ideals.
Now is the Time
And America must do better. We must end white supremacy, unlawful, abusive police tactics, and an administration that doesn’t respect the Constitution.
President Trump is wrong to mobilize troops to “dominate the streets” as if America were Iraq, or some other third world country we’ve invaded. America is not a battleground. Fellow citizens are not an enemy.
Now, citizens have been killed, injured, and maimed as a result of police violence aided and abetted by the administration. An administration that as General Mattis points out makes a mockery of the Constitution. Therefore, we condemn the administration’s actions and call for accountability. For example, whoever issued the unlawful orders to attack and tear gas peaceful protesters so that Trump could walk to a church to pose with a Bible for a photo op should be prosecuted to fullest extent of the law.
Further, Governors and police who have reacted with restraint are not ‘jerks’ and ‘weak’ as Trump has characterized them. They are patriots who respect their fellow citizens and the rule of law.
Of course, those who have used peaceful protests as cover to kill, rob, loot, incite or engage in violence should also be prosecuted. Violence and disrespect for the law begets more violence and is unacceptable.
As Founding Father Thomas Paine said in the 1776 pamphlet Common Sense, “A long habit of not thinking a thing wrong, gives it a superficial appearance of being right.” There is no excuse for not seeing the wrong now. America must live up to its promise. Now is the time for all Americans to climb the steep hill toward equality and justice.
Current and Former Leaders Speaking Out
GEN John Allen, ret., USMC: A Moment of National Shame and Peril—and Hope
GEN Martin A. Dempsey, ret., USA: “America’s military, our sons and daughters, will place themselves at risk to protect their fellow citizens….”
Mark Esper, Secretary of Defense: SECDEF Esper Rejects Use of Force
ADM Mike Gilday, Chief Naval Operations (CNO): CNO Message to Sailors
ADM Mike Gilday, CNO, Video: CNO Message to Sailors (Video)
GEN David L. Goldfein, Chief of Staff Air Force: Unrest in America
SMA Michael A. Grinston, USA, GEN James C. McConville, USA, Secretary of the Army, Ryan D. McCarthy: Message to the Army Force Regarding its Continued Support to Civil Authorities
GEN James Mattis, ret., USMC: In Union There is Strength
James N. Miller, Defense Science Board, resigned: A Letter to Defense Secretary Mark Esper
GEN Mark A. Milley, CJCS: Message to the Joint Force
ADM Mike Mullen, Former CJCS, ret., USN: I Cannot Remain Silent
GEN Colin Powell, ret., USA, Colin Powell criticizes Trump’s response to protests in CNN interview
MPCON Russell Smith, USN: Committed to Excellence and the Fair Treatment of All
ADM James Stavridis, ret., USN: I Spent My Career in the U.S. Navy. The U.S. Military Must Stand Up for its Soul
GEN Raymond A. Thomas, ret., USA: “The “battle space” of America??? Not what America needs to hear….”
CMSAF Kaleth O. Wright: Who Am I?
Note: Kudos to Anthony Hardie, Exec. Dir., Veterans for Common Sense for bringing this information to our attention.
Last updated on: June, 8, 2020
Thanks for sharing all of the above.