On Monday, June 15, 2015, the Sarasota City Commission adopted a resolution to overturn the egregious Supreme Case, Citizens United, which may go down in history as a decision as bad, or worse, than the Dred Scott decision. If Citizens United is allowed to stand, corporate money will strangle our democracy as citizens (real people) will have less and less voice.
Sometimes, some politicians have the courage and good sense to do the right thing. The Sarasota City Commission has done just that by adopting the Resolution to overturn Citizens United. So, give them heartfelt thanks.
With this victory, let’s keep moving forward. Ask your community to adopt a resolution. A good way is to find a spokesperson who knows one, or more, of the officials personally and ask the those officials to sponsor a resolution. Then, line up the other members before the vote. You can use the FLVCS Resolution for background information.You can find the FLVCS Resolution here on our website. http://floridaveteransforcommonsense.org/?s=citizens+United
As veterans, we recognize that for so long as Citizens United stands, it’s impossible to trace where the money financing campaigns originates. It could come from foreign corporations, countries, or groups with the goal of weakening the United States.