Margaret Good – Danny Burgess Webinar
Day: Thursday, May 7, 2020
Time: 6:00 PM
Place: Zoom (Pre-registration required)
Florida State Representative, Margaret Good (FL-72), and Danny Burgess, Executive Director, Florida Department of Veterans’ Affairs will be holding a joint Q&A Session on veterans’ issues. The session will provide veterans with one-on-one access to the FDVA Executive Director. Mr. Burgess will address veteran’s questions and concerns.
Click on Webinar Registration to register for the TeleTown Hall. Once you are registered, you will receive a confirmation email. The confirmation email will include directions on how to join the webinar via computer, smartphone app, tablet, or phone (audio only).
For more information on the webinar, see
I am a Veteran living in Collier County. Naples area.
I am also a FLVCS member.
The Webinar was very informative. Thank you.
I have about 12 Veterans on my contact list to whom I forward information. I was asked by the Democratic Party Committee chairman to start a Veterans Caucus here.
Right now I stay in contact with Gene Jones of the FLVCS and inform our group of all related activities.
Will there be a posting of all the organizations and the telephone numbers discussed in the Webinar?
I did take detailed notes but if I had a specific summary of all the Veterans Services now available I could forward them to my contacts as well as the Collier County Democratic Committee which I am also a member of.
They will be able to post the information on their Web page newsletter and also Facebook Page.
I am so appreciative of how extensive and accessible so many Veterans Services are that are in existence. Far more than I would have thought. Sarasota and Manatee County seem to have a leg up on other areas.
If there is anything I can do to help your causes on behalf of our fellow Veterans in this area please let me know.
Thank you to Margaret Good and Danny Burgess for all they do.
We have reached out to Representative Good’s office for a listing of the organizations mentioned in the TeleTown Hall Webinar with Rep. Good and ExDir, FDVA Burgess. Once Rep. Good’s office provides the information we will post it on our website and social media platforms.
In the meantime, please check out our Resources menu at the top of the page. There are many organizations at all level that provide services for veterans.