Florida Veterans for Common Sense Member, John Darovec’s Letter to the Editor titled, Use superpowers: voice, vote and wallet, was published in the Sarasota Herald Tribune on November 6, 2023.

Unfortunately, too many government officials are more concerned with their beliefs, opinions, fictions, and even fantasies than they are with reality. They spend their time and our tax money legislating about how we should live our lives instead of dealing with the real problems we all face.
It is important that we choose and vote for government officials that are concerned with reality, so they will do what is actually, and often critically, needed. Unless your lifestyle adversely impacts others, government officials have no business trying to change it.
Our super powers are our voices, our votes, and our wallets. Once we find candidates who will deal with reality, rather than promote their own beliefs, we can use one or more of those super powers to help get them elected, and we will all be better for our having done so.
I know I’ll be doing the above, and I hope you will join me.
CAPT John E. Darovec, Jr., USAF Ret., MA PA-C Emeritus
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