The 2021 Thomas Paine Birthday Party held on Saturday, February 13th, 2021 was a great success! Over 120 participants Zoomed in from all over the U.S. While we missed seeing everyone in person due to Coronavirus restrictions, we were glad to be able to extend our reach across the nation.
After Gene Jones, Florida Veterans For Common Sense (FLVCS) & Florida Veterans For Common Sense Fund (FLVCS Fund) President, gave opening remarks, FLVCS & FLVCS Fund Board Member, Jim Dirmann, led everyone in reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Thomas Paine (played by FLVCS Board Member, Kevin Connelly) followed with sage advice from his writings that are still relevant today. Then, Gene spoke on why FLVCS honors Thomas Paine.
FLVCS Fund Projects
Up next, Gene introduced short videos on FLVCS Fund efforts to plant a microforest at the Celery Fields in Sarasota County (SURF); provide legal/financial support and temporary housing to veterans in need; and develop 75 housing units for veterans in the Sarasota area (Vets Village). The videos were produced by another FLVCS Fund project, Vets in Focus.
In the first video, Mike Burns, FLVCS & FLVCS Fund Vice President, gave an overview of the SURF project to include its co-sponsors. SURF has the twin goals of reducing CO2 in the atmosphere and preventing harmful runoff into Sarasota Bay. Volunteers planted approximately 140 trees with 15 species. Mike stated that FLVCS believes veterans continue to have a duty to protect our country and that planting trees is of particular importance to veterans. The Pentagon has acknowledged that addressing Climate Change is a national security priority. Besides, sequestering the carbon from the atmosphere and preventing harmful runoff into the Bay, the microforest will provide habitat for wild animals. Already birds are checking out the trees. Mike’s presentation was followed with a video flyover of the microforest to show the scope of the project.
Legal assistance to veterans
In the second video, Jim Dirmann discussed two FLVCS initiatives to help veterans-in-need. First, how FLVCS was instrumental in starting up the Courts Assisting Veterans program to provide alternative sentencing for veterans that had gotten into trouble with the law. FLVCS provided legal assistance to veterans in the program. Second, Jim discussed how FLVCS Fund was at the forefront of starting the Sarasota Stand Down for Homeless Veterans. The Stand Down provides food, clothing and a wide range of services to the veterans. In particular, FLVCS has provided legal services to veterans with minor infractions and misdemeanors. in conjunction with judges from the 12th Judicial Circuit those infractions were wiped away. Further, FLVCS has provided personnel to help the veterans apply for Veterans Administration benefits.
Direct aid to veterans
In the third video, FLVCS & FLVCS Fund Board Member, Hector Muñiz, spoke about FLVCS Fund’s direct aid to veterans-in-need. That aid includes household goods, kitchen supplies, direct rent payments, cleaning housing units to make them livable, and even funds to help start businesses.
Vets Village
In the final video, FLVCS member, Pete Tannen, discussed efforts to develop 75+ housing units, a “veterans village”, for homeless and disabled veterans in the Sarasota area. FLVCS Fund has put together a brand-new grand coalition all with building, management, and veterans’ social services experience. Pete, Gene Jones, and others have garnered support from key members of the community. In addition, FLVCS has been working with one of the largest real estate companies in Florida to find the right land for this project. Unfortunately, the COVID pandemic set the project back a year as all of the Foundations re-focused their efforts to feed people and support people who have lost their jobs. Rightfully so, this shift had to be their number one priority. But the project is getting rolling again and Pete will keep everyone up-to-date as progress unfolds.
2020 Thomas Paine Award
Geoffrey Morris, FLVCS & FLVCS Fund Board member, introduced the 2020 Thomas Paine Award winner, Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman, USA, Ret. Each year FLVCS acknowledges an American whose conduct and actions exemplifies the courage of America’s greatest patriot, Thomas Paine. Lt. Colonel Vindman’s sin was reporting to his superiors attempts by (Trump) Administration officials to pressure Ukrainian President Zelensky to launch an investigation into President Trump’s political opponent, Joseph Biden. Because of his testimony (to Congress), Colonel Vindman was vilified and denounced by President Trump and repeatedly attacked by Republican lawmakers and television commentators. He was ostracized by the United States Army, denied promotion to full Colonel, and denied a previously offered slot to the U.S. Army War College.
A short time later Lt. Colonel Vindman retired from the Army. President Trump’s former Chief of Staff, retired Marine General John Kelly defended Lt. Colonel Vindman’s actions in testimony in stating, “He did exactly what we teach them to do cradle to grave. He went and told his boss exactly what he heard.” Lt. Colonel Vindman’s testimony was corroborated by several other senior officials. Prior to his testimony to the House Intelligence Committee, Lt. Colonel Vindman stated, “Dad, my sitting here today in the U.S. Capitol talking to our elected officials is proof that you made the right decision to leave the Soviet Union and come here to the United States of America in search of a better life for our family. Do not worry, I will be fine for telling the truth.”
Award Presentation
Geoffrey concluded with, “Lt. Colonel Vindman, we the veterans of Florida Veterans For Common Sense consider you a hero. Ladies and gentleman the recipient of this year’ Thomas Paine Award is Alexander Vindman.” He then presented the Thomas Paine Award plaque to Lt. Colonel Vindman. Lt. Colonel Vindman thanked Geoffrey for the introduction and Gene Jones and the FLVCS leadership team for considering him for this award. He went on to say of all of the recognition he has received the most important, the most meaningful support comes from my fellow service members and veterans. Make no mistake, there was plenty of it.
Lt. Colonel Vindman’s Remarks
As the featured speaker, Lt. Colonel Vindman went on to speak about public service. We should all consider opportunities to do something bigger than ourselves. It doesn’t have to be military service. It could be a number of different things: community service, volunteering at schools, whatever the case may be. Lt. Colonel Vindman said, “you guys know this better than me…. It was amazing to hear the kind of projects you’re undertaking. The impacts you’re having on your community… there are no bounds. You’re going to make your contribution felt.”
He went on to say when he left the military he put down a couple of markers for himself. He wants to continue to work on advancing U.S. national security interests. The second item was public service. He intends to be a lifelong public servant. He will look toward FLVCS as an example with what he can do with his life.
The third item Lt. Colonel Vindman discussed was that everyone has a role to play in seeking accountability of our leadership – of our government officials. We each have a role that we can play with regards to advocating for public servants with ethics and values. Making sure that those are the basic expectations for public servants at the local, state, and federal level.
In closing, Lt. Colonel Vindman again thanked FLVCS for his recognition. Currently, staying in Florida, he said he is going to “claim” Florida whether it is now or in the future, he is going to consider himself part of the FLVCS team.
After Lt. Colonel’s remarks, FLVCS & FLVCS Fund Board member, Rich Scissors, led a Question & Answer session. The questions ranged from foreign policy regarding Russia, Afghanistan, and Iraq to moral in the military and Lt. Colonel Vindman’s plans for the future.
Following the Q&A session, Gene Jones thanked Lt. Colonel Vindman for his remarks. He seconded Geoffrey Morris’ remarks that FLVCS considers Lt. Colonel Vindman a hero.
FLVCS Volunteer of the Year Award
Gene presented Hector Muñiz with the Volunteer of the Year Award. He said that Hector was the rare member who takes on any task without complaining. Hector never says no. He will even do work that some others may consider “nasty”. Hector always does it with a smile, he gets it done. We are so proud of him and so proud he is in our group. Gene presented Hector with a Volunteer of the Year shirt. Hector thanked everyone and said he was grateful and honored to be on the same stage as Lt. Colonel Vindman.
Concluding toast to Thomas Paine
The evening closed with FLVC & FLVCS Fund Board member, Dennis Plews, gave a toast to Thomas Paine.
Thomas Paine Party 50-50 Raffle
Pot: $1500
Prize: $750
Winner: Philippe Koenig
2021 Thomas Party Sponsors
Florida Veterans For Common Sense thanks all of its generous sponsors who helped make the Thomas Paine Birthday Party possible.
Jerry Stricker in memory of Demetrius Babiak, USN, WWI
Gene & Judy Jones in memory of Charles L. Jones, USA, WWl
Mike & Cynthia Burns
Geoffrey Morris
Michael Pender, Jr. CPA, PFS, CFF, CFE, CGMA – Cavanaugh & Co
Sarasota County Democratic Veterans Caucus of Florida
Paul O’Dell
Jim Dirmann
John Feagan
Fred Harvey
Michael Hawkins, CPA, CVA – Piper, Hawkins & Co
Paul H. Jaworski, D.D.S., P.A. & Benjamin Moricz, D.D.S., P.A.
Khe Sanh Garden – Dave Hansen
Barbara Logan
Nellie’s Deli Craig A. Pohler, Owner / Chef
Eddie Robinette
Rich & Barbara Scissors
Sharon & David Winkler