A decommissioned Israeli Centurion Tank used during the Yom Kippur War in 1973 at Tel Saki on the Golan Heights, Israel. Photo by Nancy Anderson

A decommissioned Israeli Centurion Tank used during the Yom Kippur War in 1973 at Tel Saki on the Golan Heights, Israel. Photo by Nancy Anderson
Florida Veterans for Common Sense member, Mel Goodman’s Letter to the Editor, The Russian influence and Israel: Reckless then, dangerous now originally appeared in the Washington Post on October 31, 2023
The Russian influence and Israel: Reckless then, dangerous now
by Mel Goodman
In his Oct. 27 op-ed, “The U.S. walks an old tightrope with Israel,” David Ignatius stated that “Russia threatened to intervene militarily to protect Egypt during negotiations to end the 1973 war,” which led to President Richard M. Nixon’s order to place U.S. forces on Defcon 3, “a heightened state of alert for possible nuclear conflict.” I served as a senior intelligence analyst on the CIA’s task force for the war and can state authoritatively that there was no intelligence to support the idea of a Soviet intervention.
Nixon did not attend the National Security Council meeting that called for Defcon 3, which was ordered by Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger over the objections of the defense secretary, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the CIA director. Mr. Kissinger’s decision was reckless and could have led to an unnecessary escalation at a time when the Soviets and the United States were trying to maintain a cease-fire.
The current war in the Middle East is particularly dangerous because there is no possibility of negotiations between Washington and Moscow to arrange a much-needed cease-fire.
Melvin A. Goodman, Bethesda
The writer, a former CIA intelligence analyst, is a senior fellow at the Center for International Policy.
A longer form of Mel’s Washington Post Letter to the Editor appears as an article in Counterpunch on October 31, 2023.
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