Benito Mussolini at the fascist congress in Naples, held as a “general test” for the march on Rome implemented a few days later; with him some of the quadrumvirs: from left Emilio De Bono, Italo Balbo and Cesare Maria De Vecchi.
Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
By Gene Jones, FLVCS President
Violent authoritarians sometimes succeed in overthrowing democratic governments with military coups. Other authoritarians win at the ballot box and then hijack democracy. They give false hope that only they, as the “strongman,” can relieve citizens’ angst and solve society’s problems. They mislead with disinformation and propaganda in order to conceal their intentions. Often their actual goal is to grab power as a means to plunder the economy to benefit themselves and their cronies.
Two historical models are Germany and Italy. In both countries, fascists came to power by winning elections. Many believe that America is immune from power grabs like these historical precedents, but America can falter as well. If we allow them, MAGA politicians will lead us into an authoritarian dead end.
DeSantis is an exemplar
The Governor of Florida is an exemplar of a strongman type leader. His record confirms a weak commitment to democratic norms and rules. His behavior and beliefs represent an authoritarian mindset.
DeSantis has never repudiated the January 6 coup attempt and refuses to blame the former president for initiating the insurrection. In fact, he excuses or blames the press for it. As he said in an interview with Russell Brand on July 21, 2023, “Now, it devolved into a riot, but the idea that this was a plan to somehow overthrow the government of the United States is not true, and it’s something that the media had spun up to try to basically get as much mileage out of it and use it for partisan and political aims.”
Instead of standing up for America, DeSantis stands up for MAGA, an authoritarian movement that is bonded to a leader who seeks to destroy American democracy.
DeSantis’s record in Florida evidences little respect for democratic norms.
- He fires prosecutors without legal justification.
- He gerrymanders political districts to deny citizens an equal vote.
- He signs legislation to limit a woman’s right to manage her own body.
- He signs legislation to limit free speech and the right to protest.
Some of his actions and laws have been found unconstitutional. Others are under challenge in the courts and will likely be overturned as well.
DeSantis brags about being antagonistic to the press although an independent media is critical for democratic government. He refuses access to journalists who criticize him. He undermines Florida’s “Government in the Sunshine” tradition.
As for free speech, DeSantis’s lawyer in open court admitted that the state is trying to prevent private employers from talking to their employees about certain subjects like systemic racism and gender inequality.
Christian Nationalists threatens our Democracy
DeSantis is a Christian nationalist who believes America’s true path is rooted in religion. He believes he wears the full armor of God that gives him the “Divine Right” to discriminate against minority groups and to impose his morality on others.
In truth, his beliefs evidence a perverse view of American history. We the people established a secular government. Our rights are not dependent on declarations from God as DeSantis asserts. Our founders rejected theology in our Constitution.
Nevertheless, Christian nationalists like DeSantis seek to impose their theocratic beliefs on all Americans. DeSantis has signed legislation to kill what he calls “woke” with a “Don’t Say Gay” bill. He has limited free inquiry in schools. He has attacked Disney corporation for opposing his views.
God did not mandate these laws; the legislature passed them, and DeSantis signed them.
He knows that his discriminatory laws are likely unconstitutional as he has budgeted sixteen million taxpayer dollars to try and defend them. Until these laws are all set aside, they will stifle discussion on issues like gender identity and black history. To Florida’s shame, it leads the nation in books banned.
His Christian nationalist views are not only inconsistent with our government’s founding principles, they’re dangerous. His radical language combats what he calls secular evil. DeSantis’s language may stimulate violence from lone-wolf actors or groups inclined to spiritual warfare. Swastika waving extremists carry signs supporting DeSantis.
Authoritarian threat
DeSantis is an authoritarian threat. His priority is not what’s best for America. If elected president, he will advance an ideology like he’s done in Florida. Recent history confirms his intentions. Behind the scenes, he supported the radicals who tried to shut down our government in September 2023. He told them, “I’ve got your back, keep fighting.” What is he fighting for?
Return to FLVCS Common Sense
I read your article on the dangers of strongman politicians with great interest. I couldn’t agree more, and I believe Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida exemplifies the kind of strongman politics that should concern us all.
DeSantis has recently been in the news for his controversial decision to send drones, weapons, and ammunition to Israel. According to multiple sources, including The Hill, AP News, and Reuters, DeSantis facilitated these shipments through private parties and even contracted cargo planes for the purpose. This unilateral action raises serious questions about the abuse of executive power and the bypassing of established diplomatic channels.
Furthermore, the Israeli Consul General in Miami, Maor Elbaz-Starinsky, has refuted claims that his office coordinated with DeSantis for any weapons or ammunition shipments. This discrepancy between the statements from DeSantis and the Israeli Consul General adds another layer of concern, as it suggests a lack of transparency and possible misinformation.
Such actions are indicative of a strongman dictator who is willing to take unilateral actions without proper checks and balances. It’s alarming to see a U.S. governor engage in international diplomacy in such a cavalier manner, and it sets a dangerous precedent for the abuse of power.
Thank you for shedding light on the risks of strongman politics. I hope we can continue to raise awareness about this issue and hold our leaders accountable.