The FLVCS sent surveys to each candidate for elected office in Florida at the state or national level. They included all candidates for The US House and Senate, the State House and Senate, and the State of Florida offices. A total of almost 300 candidates were mailed surveys. They were provided self-addressed, stamped envelopes to return their surveys. They were also sent the FLVCS position papers (see the earlier post below). The respondents included 40 running for the State House of Representatives, 8 running for the State Senate seats, 9 running for the US House seats, 0 running for the US Senate seat, and 1 running for the Florida State government offices. Copies of the surveys which were sent are seen below. Also a listing of those who responded and a list of their comments is seen below. If a candidate opposed the FLVCS position on a specific question, that opposition is noted under the “no” column.
FLVCS – Candidate cover letter, Qustionnaires State and Federal Questionaire for Candidates for Florida House and Senate allcombined1018 Sheet1 combinedcomments1018 Sheet1
I am interested in your polling results of candidates on your issues, but for the life of me, I cannot figure out what these documents are trying to tell us. You’ve got numbers that relate to what? The No’s column (what’s the apostrophe for?) is confusing. I really have no idea who said what or how they responded.