Killer Heat in Southwest Florida Webinar
This webinar is designed to examine the likelihood of Killer Heat right here in Southwest Florida. Further, we will also explore what our choices are, and the temperature consequence of our decisions. Since this is an election year, it is also fitting that we learn what actions we should expect from our elected officials at the local, state and federal level.
During the last year and a half, there have been numerous alarming reports issued, by our government and international bodies, detailing the realities of global warming. Florida’s governor has appointed a climate change czar to coordinate a statewide response to prepare for the environmental, physical and economic challenges facing our state. So, it all seems serious. But what does all this mean to us?
About the Speaker
This webinar is based on research done by the Union of Concerned Scientists and Florida Veterans for Common Sense. The speaker is William “Coty” Keller, a local ecologist and a Florida Master Naturalist. He is a Vietnam combat veteran. During his 20-year Navy career, Coty commanded two ships and taught national security affairs at the Naval War College. Coty’s second career was as a college professor teaching graduate level management. He has a bachelor’s degree in psychology, a masters in finance and a doctorate in decision science.
FLVCS Climate Change Report, Urgency & Action: Drawdown to Reverse Global Warming
Union of Concerned Scientists Report, Killer Heat in the United States