Learn about Energy and the Environment and Act
The following FLVCS position papers, OpEds, reports, and webinars on Energy and the Environment provide the basis for personal action. Take it!
Biomimicry and Biophilic Design
FLVCS supporter, Professor Tim Rummage, video presentation.
Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Report: The Working Group I contribution to the Sixth Assessment Report is the most up-to-date physical understanding of the climate system and climate change, bringing together the latest advances in climate science, and combining multiple lines of evidence from paleoclimate, observations, process understanding, and global and regional climate simulations.
COP 26 Reports
FLVCS Environmental Working Group reports on the UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP)26 held in Glasgow, Scotland, 31 October – 12 November 2021.
Defense Secretary Calls Climate Change an Existential Threat
Secretary of Defense, Lloyd J. Austin III’s address to the Leaders Summit on Climate conference. The Secretary said, “climate change is making the world more unsafe and we need to act.”
Environmental and health effects associated with gas stoves
FLVCS Climate Change Report – Urgency and Action: Drawdown to Reverse Global Warming.
This report lays out the problem and how to solve it by offering specific action we can each take in our own realms, by influencing others and by making government act.
Florida’s leaders need to halt the warming of the atmosphere, not just adapt to it
Lawmakers are beginning to talk about climate, but they are failing to address the daunting challenges needed to solve the crisis. This Op-Ed, part of the Invading Seas series, explains what Florida’s proper role in the climate crisis should be.
Implications of Climate Change For the U.S. Army
US Army War College report.
FLVCS member, Coty Keller’s, webinar examines the likelihood of Killer Heat right here in Southwest Florida. More importantly, he explores our choices and consequences of this urgent threat.
FLVCS’s position paper on the State of Florida plan to construct three unneeded toll roads.
Stop Unneeded Toll Roads in Florida
FLVCS’s position paper on the State of Florida plan to construct three unneeded toll roads.
The Rooftop Solar Power Industry in Florida is a catalyst for the State’s sustainable economic development, according to The Washington Economics Group, Inc. (WEG) Comprehensive Economic Development Impact Study. WEG was retained by Conservatives for Clean Energy to analyze the economic development impacts of the Industry on the State of Florida’s economy.
Find out about and how to sign the petition to put a Florida constitutional amendment on the ballet to ensure the right to clean and healthy water.
This amendment creates a fundamental right to clean and healthy waters. The amendment may be used to sue State executive agencies for harm or threatened harm to Florida’s waters, which include aquatic ecosystems. This amendment defines terms, identifies affected constitutional provisions in Article IV governing the executive branch, provides for civil action enforcement, allows attorney’s and expert witness fees to prevailing plaintiffs, and provides equitable remedies including restoration of waters.
This Fragile Earth, our Island Home
Six-part series of 1-hour webinars designed to help people learn about the climate crisis – it causes, solutions, and actions to take. The aim is to empower people to act. FLVCS member, Coty Keller, is the lead presenter.
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