Once again many FLVCS volunteers helped make the Sarasota Stand Down for homeless veterans a rousing success. Since its inception, FLVCS has been a sponsor of the Sarasota Stand Down. Alice Gochberg was the FLVCS liaison with Jewish Family and Community Services (JFCS), the lead agency for this years Stand Down. Job well done Alice and all the other FLVCS volunteers.
Over 200 homeless veterans were served this year. They were provided with information about services available in the community such as VA, Housing, substance abuse, legal counseling, jobs, and much more. FLVCS volunteers helped unload a truck from DoD filled with surplus items such as packs, sheets, sleeping bag covers, boots, socks, laundry bags, blankets, etc. Almost all the items were distributed and about 20 bikes were given to homeless vets by raffle.
Needless the say, the event put a smile on the face of many homeless vets.
Florida Women Veterans Conference
To appreciate how much the women veterans who attended the Florida Women Veterans Conference sponsored by FLVCS FUND go to this Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/flwvc/
You can download the impressive program here: http://media.wix.com/ugd/45b7db_94d42bc14e5d4f438b9fd8bdb96f6382.pdf
FLVCS Events
Climate Change: Urgency and Action is the topic for the next Freethinkers Briefing to be presented by FLVCS members John Darovec and Coty Keller on Friday, May 1, from 10:00 to 11:30 am in the Sanctuary Unitarian Universalist Church, 3975 Fruitville Rd., Sarasota, FL 34232. The Florida Veterans for Common Sense (FLVCS) released a report in December 2014 entitled, “Why it is so urgent that we take action to reduce carbon emissions; and what we can do about it.” This Briefing is designed to present the study’s findings and recommendations.
What have we learned?
“The belief in the possibility of a short decisive war appears to be one of the most ancient and dangerous of human illusions.” -Robert Lynd, writer (20 Apr 1879-1949) Thanks to Rhana Bazzini for quote.
Article published in the Charlotte Sun by FLVCS member, Coty Keller.
FLVCS Volunteer Opportunity to Help Veterans
FLVCS needs a liaison with volunteer with the JFCS Operation Military Assistance Program (Details below).
Please advise Gene Jones if you have an interest in being the FLVCS Liaison. 941-349-5131 or email: contact@flvcs.us
In the past JFCS convened an Operation Military Assistance Program (OMAP) Advisory Committee intended to provide a platform to discuss the status of OMAP and various issues effecting Veterans in the communities served by JFCS.
Since the last meeting, JFCS has expanded services in to Charlotte and DeSoto counties (in addition to Manatee and Sarasota). The addition of the two counties enhances the geographic/regional dialog the Advisory Committee members can participate in creating a unique opportunity to support Veterans in the communities we all serve. The Advisory Committee will provide a platform to discuss OMAP in addition to other issues, challenges and successes in our region.
JFCS hopes you will set Thursday May 28, 2015 at 1:00pm aside to attend the Veteran Service Advisory Committee Meeting that will be held between 1:00pm and 2:30pm in the Brizdle Conference Room at the JFCS Fruitville Office located at 2688 Fruitville Road, Sarasota, Fl.
Please RSVR to Wilfredo Tellado, Director of Veteran Services, via email regarding your attendance at: wtellado@jfcs-cares.org
Philip D. Gorelick, ACSW, Vice President for Programs, Phone: 941-366-2224, ext. 110Email: pgorelick@jfcs-cares.org
Housing for Veterans
If you know of a veteran who needs housing assistance in the St. Petersburg area, contact Heavenonearth4veterans.org 727-490-9441
Participate in a confidential study for military families
The University of Central Florida is conducting a study funded by the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs, Defense Health Program. Families who participate will receive $100 compensation. For information call: 407-823-1063 Participation involves a 2-3 hour initial assessment of mood and behavior and then less than 7 minutes a day for a week in your own home. Principal Investigator Deborah C. Beidel, Ph.D., ABPP
Clinical Research Program
A three-week clinical research program for veterans and active duty military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan with combat-related Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. UCF/University Center for Research and Treatment on Response to Extreme Stressors. For information call 407-823-1668
PLease contact me as soon as possible – I am an 83 yr old former Marine who is being evicted. I have applied to – leaving the name off for now – am am being lied to and not getting any help. I do not who overseas Vet programs – but surely there must be someone who wants to know what happens when a vet is in need…
This is urgent since I have to leave the property I am renting on June 30
You have been replied to privately.