The Sarasota Herald Tribune originally published this opinion piece on July 16, 2020 as a Letter to the Editor, titled, Local, state, federal leaders have failed.
By Kevin Connelly, Board Member, FLVCS, 
Newly commissioned US Army officers are required to attend a basic orientation course where leadership principles are taught. The worst decision a young Lieutenant can make is simply- no decision! Make a decision based on the facts known and take action. They are also taught the Military’s basic Code of Conduct. You do not lie, cheat or steal, nor do you tolerate those that do. Life long lessons! Another key basic leadership principle is that you must accomplish the mission and take care of your people- if you do one at the expense of the other- you failed as a leader.
The US population constitutes approximately 4% of the total global population, yet we suffer over 25% of the world’s deaths from COVID-19. This represents an obscene failure of our political leaders at the local, state and Federal levels who are guilty of lethal incompetence.
Kevin Connelly
Col. US Army (ret)
The opinions expressed by the author are wholly his own and do not imply in any way Florida Veterans For Common Sense, Inc. endorsement or agreement.