GI Suicide? Maybe It’s the Job
…GIs have killed or helped to kill more than 400,000 human beings in these wars. Killing at that level affects people. It particularly affects people when they are unable to explain the reason for the killing or, worse, when they know the reasons and don’t care for them…
…These GIs know that, on account of many of these lies, they are killing people, wounding people, destroying their homes, bombing their towns and villages, and generally wreaking havoc for “God and country.” They know this is a lie. But what are they to do about it?
Some of them kill themselves—in fact, an increasing number of them.
Lawrence Wilkerson served 31 years in the U.S. Army, retiring as a colonel. He is the Distinguished Visiting Professor of Government and Public Policy at the College of William & Mary. Col. Wilkerson was the keynote speaker at the FLVCS Thomas Paine Birthday Party two years ago.