On Tuesday October 23, 2018, at 7:00pm, the Florida Veterans for Common Sense and the Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence, Sarasota chapter, will co-sponsor a presentation by Kyleanne Hunter at Fogartyville in Sarasota. The presentation will address the issue of Assault Weapons and the Second Amendment in our society.
Kyleanne Hunter spent 12 years in the US Marine Corps. During the years 2003-2009 she was a helicopter gunship pilot and served multiple combat tours in both Iraq and Afghanistan. From 2009-2012 she served as a Military Fellow for Congressman Joe Wilson (U S House of Representatives) and then as a Legislative Liaison Officer for Headquarters Marine Corps.
She received a B S Degrees in Foreign Service and in Computer Science from Georgetown University in 2001, and has advanced degrees in International Studies and Foreign Service from the University of Denver.
She has spoken as an invited speaker at the Army Command and General Staff College, at the Kroc School of Peace Studies (University of San Diego, at the Josef Korbel School of International Studies, and at the National Defense University in Washington DC.
Ms Hunter resides in Denver and is currently the national Brady Campaign’s vice president for programing.
The admission to the presentation is free. There will be drinks available for purchase and a food truck will be on hand beginning at 6:00pm. Fogartyville is located at 525 Kumquat Ct. in the Rosemary District, Sarasota.