War a primary cause of debt crisis
Sarasota Herald Tribune FLVCS Column
Approximately twenty-five percent of our national debt results from money borrowed to fund the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Another twenty five percent is due to the Bush tax cuts. Some economists calculate that as much as ninety percent of the interest payable on the debt is due to war and “defense” spending. In short, we have a debt problem due to poor policy decisions made by politicians. They compound the problem by keeping troops in Iraq and Afghanistan which costs in excess of ten billion dollars per month.
The Sarasota Herald Tribune was kind enough to publish a Guest Column on Tuesday, August 2, 2011 by our FLVCS president on the relationship between the national debt and wars: Wars of choice are a cause of national debt problem.
You can find the column at: http://www.heraldtribune.com/article/20110802/ARCHIVES/108021012/-1/todayspaper?Title=Wars-of-choice-are-a-cause-of-national-debt-problem
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