By Gene Jones, President, Florida Veterans for Common Sense
FLVCS stands strong for the national security of the United States. Every passing day the Republican Party compounds serious threats such as the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change, as the following NY Times article confirms. Both the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are having a detrimental impact on our country. Routinely, the GOP promotes choosing freedom over life. For example, many Republican leaders refuse to follow science with respect to the pandemic as they prohibit mask and vaccine mandates. Many GOP leaders still deny that burning fossil fuels makes life threatening natural disasters such as hurricans, flooding, and forest fires worse. As a result, people are sick and dying and public health is at risk.
Amen, FLVCS. Politics has no business in public health especially at the time of a deadly pandemic. Protect everyone. Get vaccinated, wear mask, and isolate in pods.
Well said. I hope enough Republicans heed the call.
Life is the first named inalienable right in the Declaration of Independence.
All Americans need to realize it is our patriotic duty as a citizen of the UNITED States, if we truly love our country, to protect the life of all Americans by adopting simple recommended health and life preserving measures.
Opposing and resisting these measures is costing the lives of American children and adults, and if an outside force were doing that, we would declare war. Let us unite in fighting the virus.
Well said, but will the regressive GOP understand that ignorance will not help solve the problems?