As we celebrate America’s birthday on the Fourth of July, let us reflect on the promise of America after 245 years of independence. We can be proud that we have come so far although we are humbled to recognize how much has to be done to protect our fragile democracy.
Democracy Under Threat
The events of January 6, 2021 show without a doubt that we cannot take our democracy for granted. On that wretched day, our democracy withstood assaults by radical extremists. The extremists would turn America away from democracy and the rule of law towards authoritarianism.
The extremist’s goal on January 6th was to prevent the certification of a presidential election by Congress and install the loser of the election. They came closer to success than many realize. Had the insurrectionists been successful in grabbing the states’ vote certification sent to Congress, the vote to confirm the election could not have gone forward. Or if Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, or Vice President Pence been captured and killed as the insurrectionists threatened, a vote would have been impossible.
No doubt exists that many of the extremists were intent on murder to stop proper certification of the electoral votes. The Wall Street Journal reported a particularly chilling communication among Oath Keepers suggesting the possibility of gassing lawmakers in the tunnels below the building.
The threat from the extremists continues. Many in the Republican Party continue to stand with insurgents and support the “Big Lie”. In the last few days, several Republican Representatives were seen touring the border in the company of a known extremist who was in the Capitol on January 6th. CNN reports the same extremist sat behind Trump at a rally. Most Republicans representatives refused to vote for a commission to investigate the insurrection. Certainly, we expect politicians committed to the Constitution and rule of law to stand up and be counted to protect our democracy.
Retreat Not an Option
We are optimistic that traditional American values will prevail. And we know that Florida Veterans for Common Sense (FLVCS) will not retreat into despair and inaction in the face of the extremist threat to America. Working together, we can expunge the extremists and their fellow travelers and enablers from the body politic.
Upholding Common Values
Some reading this message may conclude it is partisan. It is not. As a reminder, FLVCS has members from both parties and we are non-partisan. While serving in the military, FLVCS members pledged to “support and defend the Constitutionof the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” As veterans, we continue to support the Constitution and the rule of law without regard to partisan politics.
Rest assured, if Democrats were attacking our democracy, we’d be speaking out against them. We are confident that our Republican FLVCS members will lead the charge to hold those Republican politicians accountable who stand with extremists and do not repudiate the “Big Lie”.
We value and respect Republicans and Democrats who put our country before politics and party. FLVCS welcomes debate and discussion on policies to advance the promise of America. On the other hand, we will not tolerate those who attack our democracy and rule regardless of party.
FLVCS intends to help keep the Republic our Founders gave us on July 4, 1776. We will redouble our efforts to do so in these times that try men’s souls.
Hi-I am just now checking out your org and everything you stand for makes sense to me. Thank you for your efforts to preserve our democracy. Please send me some info and perhaps a bumper sticker if available. Michael B Dolan, SAC 8th Airforce 1956/1962.
Thank you for your interest. A member will be reaching out to you.
Please consider joining.