FLVCS Editorial Published in Sarasota Herald Tribune
Sunday, February 18, 2018.
Ernest “Doc” Werlin’s column in the Herald-Tribune on Feb. 13, discussing profligate federal spending, made an excellent point. He is correct that we cannot continue to fund our government with huge deficit spending.
Perhaps in a subsequent article, Werlin could discuss an area where spending could, and should, be cut and that is excessive Pentagon spending.
To Read the rest of the editorial go to: http://www.heraldtribune.com/opinion/20180218/jones-pentagons-profligate-spending
FLVCS supporters and members should follow-up with a letter to the editor supporting our position and post our editorial on social media.
good stuff. same consistent message, which for reasons that escape me, gets little traction with most voters. regardless, your continuing to sound the alarm is helpful and needed.
As always, Gene succinctly and accurately point out the grossly excessive waste of funding of the Pentagon and its lack of not only transparency, but accounting oversight as well.
It’s time to stop putting the tax revenue into the black hole of the Pentagon and instead direct that money to people of the United States for health care, Social Security, a clean environment and infrastructure.
Instead the “deficit hawks” who create it largely with obscene expenditures of defense spending always want to cut the very programs the taxpayers would directly benefit from.
Good job Gene!