Florida Veterans for Common Sense, Inc. asks our elected officials and candidates for office to support enhanced Vote-by-Mail in all local, state, and federal elections.
Needed Enhancements
Florida has used Vote-by-Mail for a number of years but it has never been utilized to the extent anticipated for the 2020 elections. Given the concerns about the Coronavirus Pandemic and the forecast of an active hurricane season, Vote-by-Mail should be at record levels in 2020. Our citizens should not have to risk their safety or their health to vote. Our state and local governments need staffing and preparation to handle the anticipated Vote-by-Mail influx. After consulting with the Supervisor of Elections offices at several counties, it appears that with virtually no input from the state our 67 counties are undertaking the effort to expand Vote-by-Mail.
Vote-by-Mail Benefits
States that have switched to primarily using Vote-by-Mail have noticed cost reductions for holding elections. Vote-by-Mail lowers the number of polling places required. As well as, the number of poll workers and voting machines at those locations. Where the states remind voters of deadlines and try to keep them involved, increases in voter turnout have resulted. As a minimum, we would like for all registered voters to receive a postcard letting them know they can request a Vote-by-Mail ballot. If they request that ballot, it should not require the voter to pay postage to return the ballot.
Florida Veterans for Common Sense urges all office holders and candidates to support the implementation of enhanced Vote-by-Mail.
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