Dr. Barrick was our Guest Speaker at the July Monthly Meeting. In case you were not able to attend and hear this informative talk or want to watch again, you can watch the click here.
Starting this month we will be recording the Guest Speakers at our Monthly Meetings and posting the videos on our website and on the YouTube, channel, Florida Veterans For Common Sense. Make sure to subscribe to this channel, so you can easily find FLVCS videos. All of our videos will be accessible thru the MEDIA menu at the top of the page.
The video recording of Guest Speakers is part of a new FLVCS project to teach veterans videography and other media skills that will open up new job opportunities for them. Stay tuned for more information. The project is so new it doesn’t have a name! Participate in the Video Project Naming Contest by sending your suggestions for project name to contact@flvcs.us.