By Gene Jones, President Florida Veterans for Common Sense
As patriotic veterans, we are still on the front lines to defend our democracy.
We know that in America voters should decide the outcome of our elections; not legislatures, bureaucrats, or political parties.
In the last election, some Republican leaders lied and incited a seditious attack on January 6, 2021 to prevent the certification of the presidential election. Given the chance, many in the seditionist mob would have murdered Vice President Mike Pence, and other elected leaders, to advance their goal.
Many of these seditionists continue their efforts to sabotage future elections by promoting laws to suppress the vote. Some hold office, or are candidates for office, who still claim the presidential election was stolen although no evidence of election fraud has ever been presented.
Hijacking the POW Flag
Further, the seditionist supporters are now insulting veterans by flying Prisoner of War (POW) flags with the message that the January 6th insurrectionists are political prisoners.

Defacing the POW flag and its use by insurrectionists insults all POW and MIA warriors who fought to defend our country. The insurrectionists would destroy it. The insurrectionists, many within the Republican Party, continue to organize and agitate to dismantle our democracy. Unless they are stopped, we can expect more chaos like the January 6th attack, or worse.
As veterans we have a patriotic duty to defend our democracy to make sure that voting is fair and honest. Every legal vote must be counted while ensuring that no illegal votes are. We have to stop the seditionists and guarantee that future elections are fair.
Join with us to demand that:
- Those who incited, or participated, in the January 6th attack on the Capitol are held accountable.
- Those who continue to falsely claim the election was stolen, or support those who do, must be called out. They should never hold elected office.
- Those who hijack the POW flag, thus denigrating POWs, for political purposes should be denounced.
The January 6 insurrectionists betrayed America and many are criminals. They are not POWs in any respect. Let’s work to make sure that seditionists and their fellow travelers who are working to weaken and dismantle our democracy never hold elected office.
Could not agree more. I wish more, many more, veterans would show support and respect for our democracy that WE ALL DEFENDED WITH OUR SERVICE. I sometimes wonder if those insurrectionists were really veterans because I can not understand how a true veteran can be blinded by the admiration of one man rather than for the country that they defended!
I’m a Vietnam era veteran and It’s disgusting to see these people claiming to be patriots attacking the capitol and trying to overturn the election results. All the while our President sat back and watched and did nothing to stop it.
They are not POW they are seditionist cowards.
When did we become a democracy?
Here is a generally accepted definition of democracy: a system of government by the whole population or all the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives, and control of an organization or group by the majority of its members.
It should be pretty easy for you to figure out. We overthrew a king and his define right to rule us. Although we are not a perfect democracy, we are a representative democracy.
I agree whole heartedly with the earlier comments. Although I was not sent to Vietnam, I served during that time. The involvement of many veterans in the insurrection is sad to see. Veterans have fought for democracy and freedom in other countries besides our won. They should not attempt to destroy democracy in our own country.
[…] Gene Jones, President, Florida Veterans for Common Sense, and a recent affiliate of FFD. The nonpartisan focus to protect democracy of this organization has found common ground. Veterans have sacrificed their lives in defense of democracy. Defend Our Democracy – Florida Veterans for Common Sense […]