Politicians are eager to send our compatriots to war, but refuse to pay the cost to care for them on their return home. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/24/va-reform-congress_n_5619025.html
Congress does not have the excuse that the money is not available to adequately fund VA because the politicians always find plenty of money to fund more war in Iraq, Afghanistan, and in many other forsaken places around the world.
National Security spending for the Pentagon and the associated national security apparatus now exceeds one trillion dollars per year. http://www.cjr.org/united_states_project/the_true_cost_of_national_secu.php?page=all
And to top off all the spending, the Pentagon doesn’t account for what it spends and operates like a slush fund. http://www.presstv.ir/detail/2014/07/17/371596/pentagon-seeks-60bn-of-slush-fund/
For example, the cost for the F-35, which is routinely grounded, keeps increasing. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/plum-line/wp/2014/07/25/how-the-f-35-boondoggle-shows-that-deficit-hawkery-is-a-sham/ and http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2013-03-27/lockheed-s-troubled-f-35-said-to-be-unscathed-in-budget.html
FLVCS stands for a strong national defense. We do not support unnecessary, counterproductive war. We observe that many, if not most, Pentagon operations are counterproductive and also wasteful. Exhibit one is Iraq. Afghanistan not far behind.
Nevertheless, wasteful wars do accomplish something. The gravy train enriches corporations. And now that corporations have ‘personhood,’ they can buy politicians with campaign contributions and political advertising ad nauseum.
What chance do veterans have in
such a system?
We still have a voice. Call your Representative and express how disgusted you are that there is plenty of money for waste and war, but not for veterans.
You can click this link to find the names and numbers. http://www.house.gov/representatives/
Rep. Miller (R-FL-1) should be priority because he chairs the House Veterans Affairs Committee. 202-225-4136
Act Now: the Senate and House Conference
Committee on VA Funding may meet this