The Sarasota News Leader Editorial link below urges Sarastoa County residents to vote NO on the Sarasota County Commision’s Charter Amendment to do away with Single Memeber Districts. County voters approved Single Member Districts in 2018. Show them you meant what you voted for the first time.
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Three-Part Climate Change Plan
Is YOUR representative in Congress a co-sponsor of H.R. 2307? An FLVCS member gives you three good reasons why they should support this three-part climate change plan.
Best solution to climate change emergency
Three-part Climate Change Plan
Three points determine a plane. Three parts can determine a plan.
The best legislative solution to our …
EICDA, Energy Innovation and Carbon Dividend Act, florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, H.R. 2307Defend Rooftop Solar
Florida utilities are trying to kill rooftop solar
Florida Veterans for Common Sense (FLVCS) asks you to defend rooftop solar. Please contact your Florida state senator and representative to tell them to reject Senate Bill 1024/House Bill 741. SB 1024 is in the Senate Rules Committee as of February 16, 2022.
This bill would devastate …
florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, HB 741, Rooftop Solar, SB 1024Deceptive Extra Ballot Question
by Kindra Muntz, 2019 Thomas Paine Award winner
This article was originally published in the Venice Gondolier.
On March 8, 2022, the 1-mill referendum renewal election will have an extra item on the ballot: a Charter amendment by the Sarasota County Commissioners to overturn single member districts for electing County Commissioners and change county …
Kindra Muntz, March 8 ballot, Single Commissioner DistrictsSolar Bill Bad for Economy
FLVCS member, Coty Keller’s, editorial, Solar Bill Bad for Economy and Energy (page 9), was published in the January – March 2022 issue of the Critical Times.
The Sunshine State ranks second from last (behind Alabama) in solar energy per capita. Florida Power and Light projects a mere 25 percent solar contribution by the end …
florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, HB 741, SB 1024, solar energyFLVCS Puts Up Billboard Warning
Florida Veterans for Common Sense (FLVCS) put up a billboard warning against those who would shred our Constitution. FLVCS believes our democracy is under a sustained attack and patriots need to stand up now to protect it. Our billboard is one step toward that goal.
The Insurrection
The attack on our Capitol on Jan …
Big Lie, Constitution, florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, insurrection, January 6thClemency for Desmond Meade
Desmond Meade, the Florida Veterans for Common Sense 2018 Thomas Paine Award winner has received clemency from the Florida Clemency Board. He recently recieved a letter from the Florida Clemency Board announcing that his civil rights — including the rights to vote, run for office and serve on a jury — have officially been restored.…
Clemency for Meade, Desmond Meade, Felon Rights, florida veterans for common sense, flvcs, Thomas Paine AwardGOP Promotes Choosing Freedom Over Life

By Gene Jones, President, Florida Veterans for Common Sense
FLVCS stands strong for the national security of the United States. Every passing day the Republican Party compounds serious threats such as the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change, as the following NY Times article confirms. Both the Covid-19 pandemic and climate change are having a
Ranked-Choice Voting Hearing
FLVCS and Rank My Vote Florida need your help to make ranked-choice voting (RCV) a reality in Florida! The Sarasota City Commission is holding a Ranked-Choice Voting hearing at Sarasota City Hall on September 20th at 6:00 PM, and we’d like you to be there! This is our best opportunity to advance RCV, not just …
florida veterans for common sense, Rank My Vote Florida, Ranked-Choice Voting, RCV, RCV Hearing, Sarasota City CommissionFourth of July Reflection
By Gene Jones, President, Florida Veterans for Common Sense
As we celebrate America’s birthday on the Fourth of July, let us reflect on the promise of America after 245 years of independence. We can be proud that we have come so far although we are humbled to recognize how much has to be …