Welcome to the FLVCS Blog.
Welcome to Florida Veterans for Common Sense blog, where we do our best to keep you informed about veterans and national security issues from our perspective. We encourage your comments and discussion.
Rules to Post:
We strive to provide open, rational forum using factual information. We expect a civil, non-ideological, non-partisan tone for all posts.
Contributors should strive to make comments short, informative and on point much like a letter to a newspaper. We particularly encourage posts and columns from those with expertise.
Like a newspaper, our editor may reject comments without providing an explanation. Keep trying; posts may be rejected for reasons that have nothing to do with their quality. We have no paid staff, and our volunteer editor may simply be too busy to add your post.
Please do not submit long excerpts of copyrighted material although summaries are encouraged along with links to the source. If copyrighted material inadvertently appears on our website, it will be removed on notification of the owner via email.
While we will entertain varying points of view, we will not pretend to be “fair and balanced.” We strive to understand the world in realistic terms and we have a point of view as set forth in our Statement of Principles. We will not present positions that are outlandish simply as counterpoint to rational conclusions. For example, we would not accept a post arguing that the earth is flat in order to ‘balance’ the conclusion that it is a sphere.
Please enjoy our Blog.
We would like to let your members know there is a place for Vets who served in Thailand during Vietnam War to get together and find old friends or relive old stories.