Congressman C.W. Bill Young’s recent call for the withdrawal of U.S. Forces from Afghanistan, though overdue, is an example of the kind of reasonable thinking needed in our legislative leaders. If his call is implemented, it will save lives and stop a largely ineffective military adventure. Aside from that great benefit, our servicemen and women …
The Word Romney Didn’t Say
What Word Didn’t Cross Romney’s Lips During the Presidential Debate?
Did you notice?
Romney did not mention the word veteran. Is there a reason? Putting two and two together, it appears veterans are not a GOP priority. The Ryan budget proposes cuts to VA when disability claims already take too long to process. And, the …
Romney Will Bust the Federal Budget
Mitt Romney says he is going to balance the budget, but he has provided specifics only in the area of defense spending. He states unequivocally that he will not cut defense spending, and, in fact, intends to increase it to four percent of GDP. This is an astonishing move from a politician who calls himself …
FLVCS Criticized
During election season it’s not unusual for some to criticize FLVCS for our positions on issues. We are a non-partisan group and rarely endorse candidates.
That being said, an aspect of our mission is to educate the public on veterans’ and national security issues.
Some have criticized us as partisan for disseminating information about Mitt …
FLVCS Honored by Sarasota County Bar Association
On Tuesday evening, September 18, 2012 The Sarasota County Bar Association presented Florida Veterans for Common Sense their Distinguished Service Award by a Layperson to the Legal Community.
The plaque reads: Presented to Florida Veterans for Common Sense for their dedicated effort to establish Veterans Diversion Courts throughoutFlorida, and their active support of the …
Romney’s and Ryan’s Record on Veterans Issues and Foreign Policy
MILITARY SERVICE: Mitt Romney supported the Vietnam War by marching in the street. Yet, he never served in the military. In fact, he took four draft deferments as a student and Mormon missionary. While thousands including Mormons fought and died in Vietnam, Romney ran to Paris.
WASTE AND WAR: Romney has chosen as foreign policy advisers …