On Sunday, July 20, 2014, FLVCS had the honor to present at a Forum sponsored by the Unitarian Universalist Church in Sarasota. The topic was Climate Change as a National Security Threat.
Since 2007, FLVCS has recognized along with DoD that climate change is a national security threat.
FLVCS accepts the scientific consensus that climate
FLVCS at Sarasota Veterans National Cemetery Dedication
Alan Toy and Harvey Gochberg participated by presenting the colors as representatives of Florida Veterans for Common Sense at the Massing of the Colors at the Dedication of the National Veterans Cemetery in Sarasota on Saturday, June 28, 2014.
FLVCS President comments on VA Waiting List Issues
“Know But Don’t Tell”? Veterans Say Secret Patient List At Phoenix VA Should Prompt President To Intervene At Troubled Agency
By Jamie Reno
International Business Times
April 25, 2013
…FLVCS can be proud that we have co-sponsored another successful Homeless Veteran Stand Down in Sarasota this weekend (4/26/14). The count is not official, but we’re confident that more than 200 homeless veterans were helped by the good work of FLVCS and the other participating organizations.FLVCS helped initiate the first stand down in Sarasota
The Fight for The Four Freedoms and The Greatest Generation
Professor’s Kaye’s book, The Fight for the Four Freedoms, reminds us why we honor the greatest generation.
No doubt our parents and grandparents earned the exalted appellation, The Greatest Generation, for defeating fascism and dictatorship in WWII although that cohort accomplished much more that is forgotten, or suppressed. Professor Kaye sets out those achievements in …
FLVCS Resolution to Amend the U.S. Constitution
Resolution by Florida Veterans for Common Sense, Inc. to Amend the United States Constitution
A Florida Veterans for Common Sense, Inc. Resolution urging Congress to propose an amendment to the United States Constitution to overturn the Supreme Court’s egregious decision granting corporations personhood.
WHEREAS, the states adopted and ratified the United States Constitution to protect …